MP Imthiyaz Fahmy’s campaign in Hinnavaru obstructed, results of the cold shoulders within MDP?

MP Imthiyaz Fahmy’s campaign in Hinnavaru obstructed, results of the cold shoulders within MDP?

North Maafannu MP Imthiyaz Fahmy, who is leading the campaign for the chairperson of MDP, has been obstructed by a group from Hinnavaru.

Comments regarding the matter has been limited but this comes following the former President Nasheed’s vocal criticism towards President Solih and the working of his government.

Speaker of the Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed has called on to MDP to lose the 2023 presidential elections. Said the party doesn’t have enough supporters to bag-in the 50% votes. In a message sent to the whatsapp group of MDP, he criticized the government for failing to work on the policies MDP and expressed his displeasure.

He further went on to break down the problems that has existed internally, saying that the current administration was not run by MDP alone but was part of a coalition, Nasheed said the administration is unable to run the government as MDP members desire, and fails to fulfill MDP’s pledges due to the alliance with other parties.

Nasheed also went to the lengths of calling his party to distance itself from the current administration saying that the government was a “drowning ship” full of liabilities but still ignores to acknowledge their faults and is under a false impression that they have tremendous support.

Nasheed’s message has been criticized by some MDP MPs who support the government. He also said that he was displeased with the comments made by the members.

Some MPs who responded to Nasheed said that Nasheed’s dissatisfaction was that someone other than him would remain in power.

Commenting on the matter, Maradhoo MP Ibrahim Shareef (Maavah) said, “Nasheed’s purpose is to overthrow the government. It’s very dangerous.

If Nasheed does this, Shareef said, MDP will be divided as well as the country will be disturbed. Also called out Nasheed’s vocal stance to be an early campaign for the 2028 elections, as there was no way that he could overthrow the government in the 2023 elections even if he stood as an opposition.

Shareef also added that Nasheed is disappointed because his wish for a parliamentary system could not be carried out.

“MPs are also aware that there is no solution for the country and its people in a parliamentary system. That’s why the parliament didn’t get a two-thirds majority. Then he wanted to find a way to weaken and overthrow the government,” said Shareef.

Shareef said that the progress and development of The Maldives was made by the maldivian democratic party. MDP members have nothing to divide except to work together to that truth, he said.

Imthiyaz’s campaign team spokesperson and UNGOOFAARU MP Mohamed Waheed said he did not wish to comment on the matter, be it the on-going rift within MDP or the campaign obstruction news.

“There’s no need to be stuck in it. Our entire focus is on speeding up the inthi campaign,” he said.