President’s office takes down tweet: Says it was an accident


In the wee hours of the morning, today —The President’s office retweeted a tweet from a candidate who is contesting in the upcoming MDP Chairperson election.

The tweet has since been deleted and a clarification tweet, addressing the matter was published by the handle.

In a series of three tweets, the President’s office handle explained that it was purely accidental and that the retweet was up for a few minutes before it was taken down.Adding to this, the account further explained that the President’s office does not endorse any candidate or campaign, events or activities by an individual through any kind of news outsourcing means available.

People’s response to the since deleted retweet has been rather on the harsher side, exclaiming that this was done purposely as the tweet was up for more than a few harmless minutes.

While some people commented on the blunder in a sarcastic manner.

People have been on the speculation that Imthiyaz is being supported by former President and parliament speaker, Mohamed Nasheed and Fayyaz is being supported by President Solih.

Both President Solih and Nasheed has never made announcements showing their support for the individual candidates publicly. But following the mistake done by the official account of the President’s office in retweeting Fayyaz Ismail tweet, this has people confirming their speculations.

Members wish to take the party’s management to another stage. That’s what’s going to happen.

There has been a lot of heated discussions between the MDP members regarding the upcoming election. The post for the Chairperson is the most sought after and competitive seat and the candidates contesting to take the position is Imthiyaz Fahmy and Fayyaz Ismail.