Yameen Government undermines rule of law

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said in his annual report narrated to the 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council that actions of the government have undermined the rule of law in the Maldives.


“In the Maldives, rather than comply with a Supreme Court ruling which ordered the release of nine arbitrarily detained political leaders, including former President Nasheed, the Government declared a state of emergency last month – suspending key rights, as well as the entire Criminal Procedure Code, and opening the door to completely arbitrary decisions. The measure was followed by a wave of arrests, including of 80-year-old former President Gayoom, Members of Parliament, and the Chief Justice. While noting the Government’s acceptance of an immediate mission by my Office, I am deeply concerned that the rule of law, which is the foundation of any democratic state, is being undermined. Moreover, this crisis could have drastic effect on the lucrative tourist sector. I urge the complete reversal of these recent measures”.

SourceThis crisis could have drastic effect on the lucrative tourist sector.