A Note to Maldivian Police!


Please Start behaving like Humans!

Recently, Yameen Rasheed’s father submitted around 800 letters to the police demanding the involvement of reputable International investigators to solve the case. But the police rejected their plea! So here it is, MV Police should be ashamed of such an action.
At first you don’t give protection to his son and when a father still comes to you to seek justice for his kid then you disappoint him again? In the past too when Rilwan’s family came, you kept ignoring the case and are still ‘searching’ for the culprit. And now same in Yameen’s murder case.
He was stabbed 35 Times! Do you realise what he must have gone through? A father lost his young son ,his future. A mother lost an apple of her eye and a sister lost her brother whom she was proud of and still you have the guts to ignore the case??? Yameen was killed for speaking the truth, for trying to find it. He asked for your help , he asked you to do your duty and you failed him.
Today Yameen would have been saved if only you weren’t careless!
Your careless killed Yameen Rasheed!
You all are his real killer and you should be ashamed of it!