President Solih and Speaker Nasheed’s First Meeting Post-Primary Election


The leaders of the Maldives Democratic Party (MDP), President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and Parliament Speaker Mohamed Nasheed, finally came face-to-face at a ceremony honoring India’s 74th Republic Day. Despite initial greetings, the two did not engage in conversation.

Several ministers, parliament members, and political party leaders were also in attendance. Nasheed and Economic Minister Fayyaz, who have differing views on many issues, were seated at the same table. President Solih and Nasheed were once closely aligned, but have since ceased political cooperation.

The recent MDP internal elections, including the chairperson election, were won by candidates backed by Solih. Solih won the party’s primary elections with 61% of the vote, while Nasheed received 39%. Despite accepting the election results, Nasheed’s faction claims fraud and Nasheed is now pushing for a political movement called “Fikuregge Dhirun,” aimed at reviving the MDP’s ideology and forming separate branches. Nasheed has also called for those who do not support the government to join his faction.