President Commits to Accelerating Hoarafushi Hospital Development


President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has pledged to rapidly develop the Hoafaushi Hospital. During a campaign event on the island, he reassured citizens that he will not neglect any of his promises and stated that the hospital development project is currently in the tendering stage.

The chosen company will be expected to work diligently until the construction is finished. The President also highlighted the various completed projects on Hoarafushi, such as the airport, football grounds, coastal protection structures, and the ice plant.

He also mentioned that the water bottling plant is nearing completion and several other projects, including an island council office building, roads, volleyball court, and a juvenile justice unit branch, are currently underway.

Additionally, President Solih visited Ihavandhoo, Haa Alifu Atoll and pledged to develop a fish processing plant on the island, noting that the administration has already invested 8.4 million USD for the development of Ihavandhoo, 2.2 million USD and 3 million USD for the nearby Maarandhoo and Molhadhoo respectively.