How Pakistan is spreading propaganda using Maldivian Identity


The following revelations have been made through our detailed research.

1. @MaldivesDefence is a fake handle.

2. The handle is managed from Pakistan.

3. The previous username of the handle was @faezaliofficial.

In2020, a Twitter account @MaldivesDefence has popped up on social media. Interestingly, this account has been created in March 2015 but has tweeted only 17 tweets yet. When this account was created in the year 2020, it had only 17 tweets then but after renaming the handle it had deleted all its tweets. Through our research we recovered the previous tweets. Here are the attached screenshots:

When we examined the nature of its tweets which deleted , we found them to be filled with hate speeches.  


Political relations and cultural ties of Maldives may vary with nations but our hearts are always open for citizens from around the world.

Every person who visits Maldives either as a tourist or an employee, contributes directly or indirectly in economy and helps in making Maldives a better place. After digging further, we found that most of the followers is same and mostly from Pakistan .

Screenshot of followers –

After delving deeper, we found that this ID is also a part of the whole propaganda. In order to find the truth, we investigated the original username of this fake id and was successful in finding out that this ID was earlier being used as @faezalioffical. On 2nd May 2020, this ID’s username switched its name to @maldivesdefence and finally to @TimesofGwadar

Recurrently changing the names of the account to save themselves from getting trapped seems the most viable option to such bogus propagators.

Screen shot of Twitter unique ID number –

It’s has been age old tactics of Pakistan to function on the same note. Creating fake handles and then manipulating the audience so as to instigate animosity among nations and its citizens.