Maldives Development Alliance Backs President Solih for Elections


Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) has decided to support President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in this year’s presidential elections. The MDA made this decision during its National Council meeting on Friday. Thirty-six members attended the meeting, and 34 members voted in favor of endorsing President Solih, while two members voted against it.

Before this decision was made, the MDP had a meeting with the MDA to discuss forming a coalition. At the meeting, the MDP was represented by Chairperson Fayyaz Ismail and Alifushi MP Mohamed Rasheed Hussain. MDA’s President, Meedhoo MP Ahmed Siyam Mohamed, also submitted a resolution against the party contesting in the election.

However, all members who attended the meeting agreed with the resolution and decided to form a coalition with another political party. President Solih invited MDA to take part in the election together, and the invitation has been accepted by MDA and Adhaalath Party. The Jumhoory Party has also put forth a resolution on the agenda for the party’s congress regarding the presidential elections. Before endorsing the MDP, the MDA also held discussions with the opposition PPM-PNC coalition.