Ali Zahir, Chief of Staff of the Government of Maldives in a recent tweet claimed that his account was compromised and unofficial tweets were sent without his knowledge. He said that this was an attempt by someone to wrongly portray him in a negative role to influence the upcoming MDP elections.
Earlier today, my twitter account was compromised and unauthorized tweets sent out. My account is now secured with extra security measures and a complaint lodged with the Police.
I believe this was an attempt to wrongly portray me as having a role in the upcoming MDP elections.— Ali Zahir (alipi) (@alixahir) March 22, 2022
The now deleted tweet that’s in question responded to a tweet by the MDP activist Shamoon Jaleel (Lucas), a director at the Heritage Ministry. Luke can be seen criticizing Economic Minister Fayyaz Ismail’s campaign slogan for the main ruling party’s internal elections to select a chairperson.
Ali Zahir’s account then responded on this thread using a derogatory form of language and said President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was a patient man, who continued to run his administration despite the involvement of “people like you”.
This tweet was further deleted and an official statement from Ali Zahir was posted. Zahir said his account was hacked earlier but had been re-secured with extra security measures and the same had been reported to the police to investigate on this.
However, several politicians and Inthi supporters strongly alleged that the tweets were made by Ali Zahir himself.
Deputy Speaker and MP, Eva Abdulla responded that it was a matter concerning an internal election within MDP, and did not concern Ali Zahir – who is a member of government coalition partner Adhaalath Party (AP).
މިއީ MDPގެ އެތެރޭގެ އިންތިޚާބެއް.އަލީ ޒާހިރާ ކުޑަވެސް ގުޅުމެއް ނެތް.
MDPމެމްބަރުންގެ ބުރަ މަސައްކަތުން ގެނައި ސަރުކާރުގެ ތިޔަވަރު މަޤާމެއްގައި އިންނެވުނެއްކަމަކު، މި ޕާޓީ ހަރާބުކުރާކަށް މިޕާޓީ މެމްބަރުން ފުރުސަތެއް ނުދޭނެ.
ފަހަތަށް ޖެހިވަޑައިން މިޕާޓީއަށް މިކަން ދޫކޮށްލައްވާ.
— Eva Abdulla 🎈❓ (@evattey) March 22, 202
Reportedly, the President’s office, last week in a series of tweet explained how the handle had accidentally retweeted a tweet from Fayyaz who is contesting in the upcoming MDP Chairperson election.
Seeing two blunders happening back-to-back from official account has people questioning the real intend behind.
ރައީސް އޮފީސް އެކައުންޓުތަކުން އޮޅިގެން ޓުވީޓްކުރެވެނީ. ޗީފް އޮފް ސްޓާފަށް އޮޅިގެން ޓުވީޓް ކުރެވެނީ. އެމްޑީޕީގެ އެތެރޭގެ އިންތިޚާބެއްގައި އޮޅިގެން މުޅި ދައުލަތް ބޭނުންކުރެވެނީ. އެހެން ނުހައްދަވާ!
— Waddey (@waddey_) March 22, 2022
މީކީ އަދާލަތު ޕާޓީގެ ކަމެއްނޫން. ހުތުރުކަމެއް. މުޑުދާރު ކަމެއް. ބައެއް ބޭފުޅުންނަށް އަލިޕީ ވާނެ ހީރޯ އަކަށް މިކަމުގެ ސަބަބުން. އެއީ ރާއްޖެ ދަންނަ ހަގީގަތެއް. @alixahir ގެ އެކައުންޓަކީ ވެރިފައިޑް އެކައުންޓެއް، ޓޫފެކްޓަރ އޮތެންޓިކޭޝަން އިންނާނެ.
— Hussain Firushan 🇲🇻 (@husnfirey) March 22, 2022
ކުރާ ނުރަނގަޅު ކަންކަން މަތިޖެހުމަށް, ފޮރުވުމަށް ފަހަރަކު މުއައްސަސާއެއް, ފަހަރަކު މުއައްސަސާއެއް ބޭނުން ކުރަމުން ކުރަމުން ގެންދިޔައީމާ މުޅި ދައުލަތާމެދު ރައްޔިތުންގެ އިތުބާރު ގެއްލިދޭ. އެހެން ނުހައްދަވާ. ޕާޓީއާއި ސަރުކާރާއި ދައުލަތުގެ އިތުބާރު ގެއްލުނަ ނުދެއްވާ. @ibusolih
— Hassan Latheef🎈 (@HassanLatheef) March 22, 2022
Translation: “The president’s office accounts are tweeted accidentally. The Chief of Staff is tweeting accidentally. The entire state is used in an internal election of the MDP. Don’t create anything else!”
There has been a lot of heated discussions between the MDP members regarding the upcoming election. The post for the Chairperson is the most sought after and competitive seat and the candidates contesting to take the position is Imthiyaz Fahmy and Fayyaz Ismail.