Police says Gangs likely to be involved in Friday’s ‘India Out’ rally


In a statement released yesterday by the Maldives Police Service, they said that the protest scheduled for Friday by PPM as part of its ‘India Out’ campaign could disrupt the peace in Male’ City.

Police are wary for the rally tomorrow reasoning that they have received information that supporters from different atolls will be traveling to Male’ City to take part in the protest. They also noted that the protest will not be held in accordance with the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly Act and stressed that this posed high risks to public safety and security.

The organizers are planning to obstruct public transportation and other services through blocking Male’ roads using a large number of vehicles; seeking out criminal gangs to take part in the protest and are also planning to gather at different areas to make it difficult to patrol the protest,” said the Police.

Similar rallies that had been hosted by PPM in the past, one in the year 2015 and the other in the year 2017, where hundreds of young men gathered, were an attempt to instill fear. The opposition at the time alleged that many Malé’s gangsters attended the pro-government rallies.

Despite warnings made by the Police, the opposition says it is adamant on holding the mass rally as planned.

PNC leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla (Adhurey) commenting on the matter said that while police claimed they had received information of plans to carry out dangerous activities during the rally, the police had not shared any such information with the opposition coalition. He further gave statements that the Police were making up excuses and alleging false claims.

Our rally is a peaceful gathering. We will hold it,” he said.

Whereas, the Police has given clear statements that they will be sternly patrolling the area, checking all the vehicles and vessels taking part in the protest. And if any individual or group is found violating the law, strict actions will be taken.