Maldivians displeased over Mayor’s decisions to discard link road trees


Mayor of Addu, Ali Nizar and Addu City Council has cut down more than fifty five palm trees on the link road of Addu City.

The Mayor in his statement said that the coconut palms were very old and that dangerous incidents had occurred when things fell from the trees during the rainy days. He said that the council received complaints about someone getting hurt from a fallen coconut in the area last month and complaints about wastes being dumped there.

The news took internet by storm and locals conveyed their displeasure regarding the actions taken by the council, relating that the trees were a part of their history. Also exclaiming that the natural beauty of Addu has been taken away from them without their consent or say in the matter.


People could be seen commenting about the beauty of this location and recalled it as their favorite spot in Addu.

Critics can be seen giving their opinion saying that a different approach could have been made.

Addressing the outrage, Mayor Nizar said new trees and lights will be planted in the area. He noted that the council is currently initiating a programme to plant 100,000 trees. Though it has not been disclosed as to what kind of trees will be planted.