JP Minister Sameer Resigns as Party Jumps into Presidential Race


As the upcoming presidential election draws near, political parties in the Maldives are making strategic moves to secure their positions. However, the recent resignation of Ahmed Sameer, a council member and minister at the President’s Office, from the Jumhoory Party (JP) sheds light on the challenges that arise from forming a coalition and the importance of staying true to one’s beliefs.

During a meeting on Tuesday, the JP’s council approved a recommendation to contest in the presidential election with the support of 47 out of 49 members. This decision was made after receiving an invitation from President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to form a coalition with the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). However, Sameer had already pledged his support for President Solih and believed it was inappropriate to be a member of a party that produced its own candidate for the presidential election.

Sameer’s resignation highlights the significance of considering the consequences of political decisions and their impact on party members. While forming a coalition may seem like a strategic move, it is crucial to ensure that all members are on board and that their beliefs and values align with the party’s decision.

As the presidential election approaches, political parties must prioritize the alignment of their members’ beliefs and values with their decisions. Sameer’s decision to resign from the JP serves as a reminder that staying true to one’s values and beliefs is essential, even if it means parting ways with a political party.